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6.1 Basic configuration
The modem options are located in FDSETUP under the MODEM pull-
down menu. There are four sub-menus, Hardware, Messages, Command
strings, and Answer control.
6.1.1 Hardware
The Hardware option screen allows you to configure things
like the highest baud rate supported by your modem, the COM
port to which your modem is connected, etc.
Modem port The COM port your modem is attached to (1-8).
Maximum baud rate
The maximum supported baud rate of your modem
(300-38400 BPS). If you have locked your
FOSSIL driver (discussed later), set this to
the same speed as the speed you locked the
FOSSIL driver at.
Lock port Whether or not you have locked the FOSSIL
driver's baud rate.
Reset modem to connect speed
This option should ONLY be used if you have a
modem that supports the CCITT V.23 (split
speed, 1200/75 and 75/1200) recommendation.
Lower DTR when busy
Determines how the Mailer (FD) should handle
the modem when it invokes other programs,
exits and shells to DOS. If enabled, the
Mailer will simply lower DTR. This means that
your modem will not answer the phone, but any
calling systems will not get a busy signal.
If you disable this, the Mailer (FD) will
send the Offhook string to the modem instead
of lowering DTR. This can be used to take the
modem offhook when your system is not
available so that calling systems gets a busy
signal instead of no answer.
It is against the law of some countries to
take a modem offhook unless actual
communication is taken place. As the operator
of FrontDoor, it is your responsibility to be
aware of such laws in your own country.
Lower DTR to terminate call
If enabled, the Mailer (FD) will drop DTR for
a short period of time to terminate calls.
Most modems supports this and you should only
disable it if your modem does not support
lowering of DTR.
If disabled, the Mailer (FD) will send the
Escape code string followed by the Onhook
string to terminate a call.
Toggle DTR before dialing
Specifies that the Mailer (FD) should lower
DTR, pause, and then raise DTR again every
time it places an outgoing call.
While this increases the chances of call
collision, it may be required by some modems
to reset properly, etc. Do not enable this
option unless it is absolutely necessary.
Carrier detect mask (CDMASK)
The bitmask the Mailer (FD) should use when
asking the FOSSIL driver for the port status
to determine if a carrier signal is still
present. The default is 128 and cannot be
changed in the noncommercial version.
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Written by Dave Pearson